Tuesday, August 5, 2014

First Grade, really?

We are well into first grade now and   I cannot believe it either. B moved up to his next big boy class at day care too.  Where have my babies gone?

So enter in revised routine charts, updated reward jar and after school question jar.  The kids do not get an allowance for chores.  They have learned that some things are just part of everyday living and being part of a family. If clothes aren't taken to the laundry room then you end up with no clean underwear. If dishes are  not taken to sink, then you don't have anything to eat off of etc. and so forth.   The new lesson that's soon to be learned is that if toys do not get put away they get taken away and may be  given to a child that CAN take care of them.

I do pick my own battles some.  I mean I've only put a few things on their chore lists and even put brushing teeth on there too.  I do want them to see SOME  check marks on the chart.LOL

I know we just started school and some schools have not even started yet but it will soon be time for Christmas shopping and DIY gifts.  I can't wait to see the new ideas for this year.  I'd love to know your ideas and suggestions.

Happy Summer Day!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What The What?

Good granny it's time to get school supplies! Of course I love year round school, but summer sure is going by fast.  VBS is here and Sheila and I are getting craft things together, which is always a hoot.

As Independence Day approaches, our area has our first hurricane heading close to us so no one knows exactly how to plan. My sister and her family were coming to visit but now are trying to decide with the weather.  All this makes everything that more busy, busy.

Anyhow today, G and I are making a trip to town for supplies and VBS stuff so gotta go. I will certainly post our crafts and if I ever get pics from the bday party I will post those decorations for the DIY 'ers out there.

Thanks for stopping by and have a blessed and safe 4th of July!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I'm Back!....

Well maybe.  My laptop is in the same spot as it was my last post. I can't believe it's been almost 2months since I posted last.  I like pictures and have lots to post but they aren't on K's iPad and I don't know how to get them here. Lol.  I just gotta get on fixing that laptop so I can get back on track.

We survived the birthday party I have planned for a solid year for the both  of them and can't wait to post pictures.  I'd say it was a success!

G has graduated from kindergarten  and just today B moved up to his next classroom at his daycare. I really  didn't think it would bother me like it did when G moved up but I have to say these milestones are coming way too soon AND he is my last one too.

Since we are year round school , we have about 5 weeks out for summer.   Don't have big plans but we try to keep a schedule going so it's not difficult when school is back in.

I also can say now that I have a new niece and my sister and brother in law made it safely home from Taiwan with her.  She's almost 21 months and is just a cutie pie.  Wouldn't you know I was sick with a stomach bug the night they came home so I just met her yesterday. Can't wait for G and B to meet her now.

This is about all I can say without pictures ...so until next time.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


I'm using K's iPad , something that I am so not used to , but had to post a little something while laptop is on the fritz .   I don't yet know how to post pics from a flash drive or anywhere else for that matter.  I'm really lost without a simple USB port.

So Easter has passed and hope all had a blessed one.  We had several egg hunts, painted lots of eggs and went to church and celebrated the true meaning of Easter, Christ' resurrection .

Now we are on to getting prepared for dance recitals, kindergarten cap and gown pictures, a shared birthday party to finish planning for, oh and Mother and Father's Day and the list goes on.  And it's planting time which the kids are so excited about but we are having to let the rain dry up.  I think K and Papa got one place planted before all the rain came.

So blessed and so thankful.
Happy spring!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Technical difficulties.....

For anyone who happens by my blog, I've not quit I'm just having computer issues.  My laptop has flipped out and I'm trying to decide what to do about it.  I so miss it and will hop back to it as soon as I am able.  Thanks so much!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Beautiful Weekend!

The weather was absolutely beautiful this weekend.  The kids and I took advantage of it Saturday and headed to the farm for some fun.  They got a new John Deere tractor and trailer for an early birthday gift and K took the Gator to the farm so they could both have something to ride.  They had so much fun.  Pa Pa and K were getting the planters ready so they were there too.  I took lots of pictures but will only post a couple!  They sprayer was out so they played "ring around the sprayer"  lol.  They were going opposite directions so I knew there was destined to be a crash!  No injuries and minor damage only to the gator, which G fixed. 
They even got to ride in the big tractor while K was moving it around.  That was probably the best part of their day.

I am so blessed!  Happy Spring, Ya'll!

Monday, March 3, 2014

Dippin' Stix Kinda Day

Of course, I've waited to post this til it's gonna get cold again....but last week we had beautiful weather.  Seems like we were able to play outside everyday thanks to the sunshine.  Gave us a chance to try some of the Valentines Day treats too. (Dippin' Stix are way better outside, especially with B because he wears most of his dip).

They chose to watch for big trucks while having a snack.

Oh and FYI, G did her own hair, lol.

 They also got a little football time in.

Monday, February 17, 2014


I declare, I think I am busier now than when I worked outside the home.   The laundry still rarely gets caught up yet I never just sit on my bottom with nothing to do.  Wonder why this is?

This weekend was already full with a baby shower, 2 birthdays and church, then a makeup school day was added due to the snow and ice last week.  Oh and lets not forget the income tax piles I had already on the table.  Thankfully, by 1am this morning, the hubby and I had it completed and ready to take to the accountant. 

So, here it is Monday.  Ok, I had big list of "to do's" this morning before going back to G's class to help.  Drop off necklace I made at a friends, take G to school, take B to daycare, meet a another girlfriend at Smart Start to watch her lil one while she finished her daughters party things, go to tax office and get gas.  I was up and at'em on time had me ready and kids ready on schedule and get them to school and daycare then hit a snag. It's President's Day.  The other places on my list are closed and that puts a stop to my "to do's" for today.  

Not a total waste of time.  I have used this time and the public library's Internet access to catch up on emails, facebook messages and even get a few ideas for children's church that I have on Sunday.

Happy Monday!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's Day

Thanks to more snow days, I had time to make up these cute little treats for G's class for Valentine's Day.  Thankfully, they are going to school tomorrow but on a delay.  I ate what was leftover already and was beginning to think I was going to have to eat these up too.

Thankful that I am able to do things like this for her kindergarten class.

I have to apologize.  I found several of these on Pinterest but didn't save them on a board to know how to give credit for them.  When I do find the source I will leave it in comments.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Rainy Haircut Saturday

Well, for several months now I've been telling my husband I was okay with getting B's curls cut.  Finally, the day has come.  It is surely a cold and rainy day but they went.  I sent a bag to keep his curls and asked for pictures.  Oh I sure hope he takes pictures.

So, yesterday K started building up the hair cut.  He let B know that Mr Ray kept a jar of Dum Dum suckers for the kids who got their hair cut.  And that they could go get hash browns from McDonald's afterwards.  B was all for the Dum Dums and hash browns but the haircut, not so much.

I heard them pull up outside and was almost scared to look.  Honestly, I really was thinking that he probably pitched a fit and K didn't go through with it.  Boy was I wrong.  Oh, I cried.  I almost felt like I couldn't breathe.  He looks like such a little man now.  That's not why I cried.  It was just one of those milestones that remind us that they don't stay little for long.


After, with his curls

After, after deliberately messing it up


Now, I've been informed that G wants hers cut. In fact, I've never had it fixed from where she cut it at school!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Snow Days to Sick Days

Okay, so we go to school one day this past week and then are out for the snow.  From Monday evening on we were inside the house except for the day we went out to play in the snow.  Then Friday, G spikes a fever and then I do.  What?  How? Oh well, it doesn't matter.  It just so happens our pediatrician is the clinic on call  so we were there when they opened.  Strep- very quickly determined.  Away with antibiotic for her and to another clinic for me.

  Good news is our fevers broke last night, hubby stayed away with B for yesterday and he seems to be fine.  By Monday morning, we will both have had 3 days of meds and fever free and will be safe for her to go to school.  I'm sure the snow days will be made up but still I hated for her to miss anymore days of school.  Glad we caught it early.

Still trying to keep kids apart is definitely a challenge.  B doesn't understand and G forgets but I think we are in the "short rows" now.  I for one am very THANKFUL for that too. 

I did get a a couple pictures of the kids while playing in the snow.

Monday, January 27, 2014

It's That Kind of Day

So, it's been extremely cold around our parts.  Heat has run non stop for several days now.  And lets not forget about the preventative measures for frozen pipes.  Today its warmer but that's just nature teasing us all.  Come in the morning we should see sleet and then snow.  Calling for 3-6 inches last I heard.  So today is not a blog day, its a run errands, get prescriptions, gas and grocery kinda day.

Stay safe and warm!

But let me say I'm working on a cute little "poppin" Valentine for G's class and I will sure post pictures soon.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Something Fun for the Kids

If you know me, then you know my love for Pinterest.  I just love it.  In fact, I love it so much that I set a timer so that I will not spend all day on  it.  I really do.  There's just so many ideas on there.  So here is one that the kids will love.  You know every child loves to get something in the mail box.  I found the address on Pinterest for the kids to write to their favorite Disney character and they would receive a signed picture back in the mail.  So B chose Mickey Mouse and G decided on Cinderella.

This is what G got:

And this is what B got back.

For anyone that's interested here is the address we sent our letters to:

Happy writing ya'll!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Please be patient...

I am doing a little tweaking to my blog design.  Thought I had it figured out but then I couldn't get the ads to be centered.  Now I can't even find the ads so I am trying to figure it all out and then I will get back to posting.  Have a great day!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Back in the Swing of Things

OK, let's get back to it!  This will be first full week back to the normal routines.   I am glad. It's crazy enough around here when we are on schedule so imagine it when we are on breaks......routines get broken, chores seem to be forgotten, etc.  I do much better when things run smooth!

Getting back to planning the birthday parties that will be happening in May and June.  I am seriously leaning towards a shared party as there are 2 other events that fall around the birthdays here in our town.  I will share pictures as I get things together.  Got lots of ideas from my Pinterest addiction.

I go back to volunteering today in G's class and I have really missed it.   Catching up on a few of those "forgotten chores"  before I go though. 

Have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Happy New Year!

I can not believe it is 2014.  I remember being little and thinking I would never ever see the year 2000 because it just seemed so far away.  And now here it is 2014.

We have had a very nice time with our  MeMaw M who has been visiting from California over Christmas and New Years.  But she flew out this afternoon to go back home.  We've been lucky to have her visit as much as she has since G was born.  Thankful to have her.

B could've went back to childcare on Monday but I scheduled his and G's dentist appointments.  G was easy going as usual but this was only B's second time.  Oh he was such a big boy when he walked back with the assistant and Sissy.  But in about 2.5 seconds, I saw the door open and heard "do you see your Mommy out here?" and then "Mommy, I need your help back here for a minute". 

Then it was on.  I had to "hog tie" him as I say to let the Dr even see his mouth.  Brushing teeth around here is an ordeal to say the least.  When G was an infant, I used the brushes that you put on your finger and rubbed her gums as part of her am and pm routines.  I truly believe that made the difference because  I didn't do that with B.

So  MeMaw M is gone and G's year round school starts back tomorrow and hopefully we will get back on track with our routines and schedules.  Already a little off though because with the extremely cold temperatures, they are already on a 2 hour delay.  B will also be on the 2 hour delay so so much for getting back to the routines.  On a happier note, we have one more morning to "sleep in" if that's what you would call it.

Now, let's get this New Year started!