Saturday, February 8, 2014

Rainy Haircut Saturday

Well, for several months now I've been telling my husband I was okay with getting B's curls cut.  Finally, the day has come.  It is surely a cold and rainy day but they went.  I sent a bag to keep his curls and asked for pictures.  Oh I sure hope he takes pictures.

So, yesterday K started building up the hair cut.  He let B know that Mr Ray kept a jar of Dum Dum suckers for the kids who got their hair cut.  And that they could go get hash browns from McDonald's afterwards.  B was all for the Dum Dums and hash browns but the haircut, not so much.

I heard them pull up outside and was almost scared to look.  Honestly, I really was thinking that he probably pitched a fit and K didn't go through with it.  Boy was I wrong.  Oh, I cried.  I almost felt like I couldn't breathe.  He looks like such a little man now.  That's not why I cried.  It was just one of those milestones that remind us that they don't stay little for long.


After, with his curls

After, after deliberately messing it up


Now, I've been informed that G wants hers cut. In fact, I've never had it fixed from where she cut it at school!

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